LOVE SPACE is a podcast exploring wellness, connection, spirituality, psychology, nature-based practices, and all kinds of healing. When we are in the "Love Space" we experience the joy of the present moment. ARYN LOVE is an artist, yoga and mindfulness teacher, and lawyer, and a big nerd for all things nutrition and wellness. With a mix of guest interviews, solo episodes, and guided meditations—this podcast explores all the ways we can bring ourselves back to the Love Space.
Ep. 20 - Self Awakening with Marisa Radha Weppner
If you've ever wondered what your purpose is, this episode is for you (and we've all wondered at some point!) This week, Marisa Radha Weppner (Radha), guides us on how to re-connect with our life's purpose and tap into our true selves. Through practices like self-awakening yoga, psychedelic assisted therapy, and simply listening to our hearts, Radha shares personal experience and practical wisdom on how we can (re)awaken ourselves and our connection to all the magic this human experience has to offer.
Marisa Radha Weppner, MA is the host of the podcast Love, Service, Wisdom and is a 1000 hr Nosara Yoga Master Educator. She has been facilitating transformation and self-awakening for nearly two decades through a variety of settings including classes, retreats, community organizing, guiding psychedelic journeys, and private coaching. She is the co-owner of Source Meditation Space, and a therapist at the Boise Ketamine Clinic. Her meditation album Guidance, with music by East Forest, is available on all streaming platforms.
Merging ancient wisdom with direct experience, she creates a grounded, safe, and expansive environment in which to explore one's inner world. She has extensive experience working with groups and individuals to help them heal core wounds, release limiting beliefs, and create a life of depth, meaning, and purpose.
In this conversation, we covered:
- Her unique story of entrepreneurship, motherhood, and forging her own path
- What is self-awakening yoga
- How simple movements can be powerful
- Noticing sensations in the body
- Yoga as a path to God
- Neuroplasticity and transforming our brain
- How psychedelics assist with changing and healing our minds
- What is ketamine and how it's used in therapy
- Ketamine and psychedelics as a treatment for depression
- Complex PTSD and how our bodies respond to trauma
- Gaining new perspective on our parents and childhood experiences
- The mind as an information filter
- Making friends with our ego and our humanity
- The Magic in the Mundane
- Spiritual "sampling" vs. digging deep into one or two practices
- What integration is and why it matters
- Following the things that light you up
- Everything in moderation, including moderation
- How the same practices can be transformed by changing the intention
- and more...
Resources and Links:
- Love, Service, Wisdom podcast (listen on apple) (listen on spotify)
- Guidance meditation album (available on all streaming platforms)
- Bhagavad Gita (ancient Hindu scripture)
- The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma (book by Bessel van der Kolk M.D.)
- Journey Space
- Connect with Radha on Instagram @marisaradhaweppner
- Connect with Aryn on Instagram @itsarynlove
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